Useful Policy Resources

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I recently came across a couple of resources that are useful in explaining some of the major climate change policies and issues of the day.

The first is from Dave Roberts at Vox. His explanation of the Green New Deal is one of the best I’ve encountered. Enjoy.

Also, I’m not usually a fan of this sort of celebrity-posing-as-policy-wonk type scenario, but Jennifer Lawrence’s scripted diatribe on political corruption, local politics, and why both matter is pretty darn good.

That’s it for now. I was in Canada two days ago. Within two hours of arriving there, I was literally eating at a Wayne Gretzky restaurant watching curling and drinking Lebatts. I’m still getting over the culture shock of being back in our country. There were also, for the record, several Canadian fast food chains selling vegetarian options marketed as being good for the planet, so that didn’t help…

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