Veggie Cravings

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Add another one to the list of things I never thought I’d say: while we were traveling the last couple of weeks, I actually missed and even craved some of the staples of our new vegetarian diet.

One of the biggest benefits is that I can eat more without gaining weight (at least a few weeks in).

Beyond making tacos with tofu cooked in a seasoning packet rather than beef (a change I love because, again, I can eat a bunch of them without feeling ill), most of our new favorites come from a profane cookbook called Thug Kitchen. Our go-to meals include dan dan noodles (Sichuan style) and burritos with acorn squash and a sauce that involves dark beer (need I say more?).

Beyond the good simple food, you’ll be treated to quotes like: “Who the f*ck needs an avocado slicer? A person without any goddamn sense, that’s who.” As the owner of an avocado slicer, point taken.

And, did I mention that you can eat more and not gain weight? Turns out carne asada and cheese have something to do with the calorie count in burritos.

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