Inspiration and Despair

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There are moments I feel optimistic about the planet and our ability to meet the challenges ahead.  For example, today I listened to a podcast interview with Doris Kearns Goodwin.  She mentioned that, as intractable as some of our problems seem right now, we have been at the precipice before and pulled ourselves back.  I’d like to believe that’s true.

As the podcast ended, I arrived at home.  From the front lawn, I watched our neighbor pull her car into her driveway, back out again, and drive down the street the way she came.  She did that so she could get the mail out of her mailbox without emerging from her car.  And she didn’t get the mail on the way in because she would’ve needed to reach across the passenger seat to retrieve it.

Who am I kidding.  We are totally screwed. 

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