First Time Eating Out

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Well, our first attempt to eat out after going vegetarian was a huge success.  Sara brought the kids and met me downtown after work on Friday. I picked a place that sounded good, but turns out it’s located in the food court of an office tower and closes at 4 p.m.  We then went to Garden Bar, which looked great, but we learned when we arrived they only do salads. While we’re all for trying to force our kids to eat healthy, we’re not quite ready to go to a place where they will literally eat nothing.  

We ended up at a pizza by the slice restaurant and Sara, before even thinking about it, had gotten Grady a slice of pepperoni.  So, not only did we fail to find a good veggie place; we accidentally failed to avoid meat. I don’t want to toss around the word “failure,” but, if the shoe fits…

At one point, Ainsley was making drawings on the table using the grease from the cheese on her pizza.  That sums up the night.

Though, I did enjoy my vegan slice.  The peppers were spicy and the creamy Parmesan dressing on the salad was exceptional.

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