Footprint Apps

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Last night, I was discussing the Web site with a friend who mentioned that there are several apps designed to help keep track of your footprint.  These apps include offCents, Carbon, GreenFoot, MathTappers: Carbon Choices, and Carbon Footprint ACP.  So, … Read More

Inspiration and Despair

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There are moments I feel optimistic about the planet and our ability to meet the challenges ahead.  For example, today I listened to a podcast interview with Doris Kearns Goodwin.  She mentioned that, as intractable as some of our problems … Read More

Getting to the Meat of it

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If you start investigating lifestyle changes that can reduce your carbon footprint, switching to a plant-based diet is one of the first items that pops up on most sites.  The obvious dietary culprit in climate change is beef.  Keeping cows … Read More

First Time Eating Out

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Well, our first attempt to eat out after going vegetarian was a huge success.  Sara brought the kids and met me downtown after work on Friday. I picked a place that sounded good, but turns out it’s located in the … Read More

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